Performance Reviews

Mappit’s Performance Reviews are designed to facilitate these crucial conversations, turning routine evaluations into opportunities for growth, feedback, and mutual understanding.

Performance Reviews are not just about assessments – they are about meaningful, two-way dialogues. Mappit provides a platform where both managers and employees can engage in constructive and honest conversations about performance, goals, and professional development.

Transforming performance management into meaningful conversations.

At the core of Mappit’s approach to performance reviews is the emphasis on dual-sided conversations. We encourage both managers and employees to actively participate in discussions, fostering a more balanced and inclusive dialogue. Mappit’s performance review system extends beyond the traditional annual or twice-annual reviews by facilitating a continuous feedback mechanisms.

Mappit supports regular, timely exchanges between managers and employees, ensuring that feedback is relevant and immediate.

Mappit Benefits

Easy to navigate, encouraging higher participation and engagement.

Tailored reporting to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Facilitates ongoing dialogue and timely responses.

Strengthen the bond between managers and their teams through constructive dialogue.

Performance reviews and 360s are extremely important in optimising your organisation's operations – however, when they aren’t executed well, everyone ends up hating the process.

Our Clients

Mappit places employees at the center of their performance evaluation.

Central to Mappit’s system is its focus on future growth and continuous improvement. By shifting the emphasis from past performance to future goals and potential, the system encourages a forward-looking perspective that is both motivating and inspiring for employees.

Mappit’s interface is designed with a coaching mindset, incorporating features that facilitate open-ended questioning and collaborative problem-solving. This approach not only supports managers in adopting a more effective coaching style but also empowers employees to actively engage in their own development process.


Other Apps

Mappit's 360-degree performance reviews offer an industry-leading solution for fostering an environment of accountability, growth, and transparency.

Package 1


Package 1


Package 3


Package 4


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Package 3


Package 4
